Helping to create the climate and conditions for effective networks and networking to thrive.
The aim of the establishment of Leadership networks and social networking is to create vibrant communities who can engage freely in dialogue, share information, good practice and innovations. In doing this, best practice can be recognised and shared to deliver better care, better patient experience and better value for money. Networks will be supported to ensure that they achieve key outcomes, promote good practice and establish good governance arrangements, based on research and best practice. The Leadership team;intends to facilitate those networks that support the delivery of the strategic objectives and enable the adoption and spread of best practice, innovation and continuous service improvement. In addition networks are needed to support the Leadership infrastructure, to include the coaching network and the Leadership alumni as a whole.
There are benefits for all if the networks are developed to be productive and with a high degree of self-sustainability. There is a movement to encourage social networking,where members are active participants in the network development.
Measuring success of networks
As with all systems, it is important that we measure the success of networks.
- Quantitative outcomes can be identified as success criteria such as number of members, number of downloads or uploads and number of ‘hits’ on various websites.
- Users can be canvassed for their opinion on the usefulness of the website and ability to access relevant information
- Increasing numbers of users and organisations reporting changes, improvements and innovations in their organisations
- Members feel able to discuss issues that are not or cannot be raised in other forums i.e. safety, confidence in the website, peer support and space are available for members