Coaching and Mentoring

What is Coaching?

Coaching is one of the key approaches through which leadership within organisations can be developed. It is a method of deploying techniques to help a leader unlock his / her potential to access his / her own resources and capabilities in order to facilitate the achievement of organisational success. Whether as a one-to-one focused and bespoke relationship or within a group context, coaching is often perceived as the single most effective development intervention that medical/ clinical/ administrative staff in a variety of leadership roles can access.

  • The relationship has a set duration
  • It is structured with regularly scheduled meetings
  • Short-term and focused on specific development areas, issues, goals, and work
  • The coach does not need direct experience of the coachee’s role to coach
Who can access Coaching

Whilst coaching could be useful for everyone at different stages in their career, the overall coaching capacity has to be targeted most effectively.
You can access the coaching register as a coachee if you are:
* Leadership programme participants and alumni.
* A Band 4 or above working in the NHS in East of England (Please discuss and agree this with your manager as part of your personal development plan, prior to seeking a coach).

Why access Coaching?

Research shows that there are huge personal benefits to accessing coaching, particularly at times of change.
* Is a thought-proving and creative process that inspires individuals to maximise their personal and professional potential.
* Helps improve performance.
* Helps increase morale, motivation, and enthusiasm.
* Can help to reduce levels of stress.
* Improves self-confidence at all levels.
* Helps encourage a more proactive approach to addressing issues and making decisions.

Coaches: All coaches using the hub are required to: (It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure that they continue to meet these requirements)

* Provide coaching on a voluntary pro-bono basis ensuring explicit organisational support is sought if undertaken within work hours.

* Have completed a recognised accredited coaching programme and have successfully completed the final assessment – e.g EMCC Coach Practitioner, ILM Level 5 or equivalent. This must be uploaded as part of the registration process for an application to be approved

* Take responsibility for maintaining an up-to-date profile within the system

* Have a well-maintained learning log/portfolio of evidence of coaching

* Demonstrate regular and relevant CPD

* Access regular coaching supervision with an appropriately qualified Coach Supervisor

* Record evidence of CPD and Supervision undertaken

* Practice within the ethical principles of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) – Global Code of Ethics (

* Adhere to the principles and aims of the NHS People Plan and NHS people Promise

* Respond to coachee requests within 2 weeks of being received

* Inform EoE Talent and Leadership Team if unable to continue to coach

* Record any coaching within 2 weeks of activity

* Facilitate a contracting meeting to set individual and/or organisational objectives prior to the commencement of a coaching relationship

* Complete a post-evaluation once a relationship comes to an end

Coachees: All coachees using the hub are required to:

* Take responsibility for maintaining an up-to-date profile within the system

* Be proactive in requesting coaches online (please contact EoE Talent and Leadership team if a response has not been received within 2 weeks of sending a request)

* Work with the coach to arrange sessions and commit to attending

* Commit to the development process demonstrating proactivity in personal and professional development

* Ensure explicit organisational support is sought if coaching is undertaken within work hours

* Complete a pre-evaluation before a relationship commences

* Complete a post evaluation and a 6 month follow up evaluation on experiences after a relationship comes to an end

In turn, the EoE Talent and Leadership team will commit to the following to support your coaching practice:

* Provide access to ongoing, relevant and topical CPD, to enhance knowledge and development of your coaching skills

* Provide access to regular supervision sessions and support

What is Mentoring

Mentoring is the support and guidance of one individual to another to expand professional development. The emphasis is on the needs of the individual with mentoring encouraging independence, autonomy and self-development whilst helping to identify opportunities for future development.

These collective improvements in an individual’s performance can lead to increased job satisfaction, while they also help to support the link between an individual’s role and their impact on patient care, benefiting the organisation and the NHS as a whole.

  • Ongoing relationship that can last for a long time
  • Can be more informal with meetings when the mentee needs some space and time to think, guidance or support
  • The focus is on long-term career and personal development
  • A mentor is usually a more experienced person working in the same sector

You can access the East of England Leadership Academy Mentoring Scheme if you are:
A Band 4 or above working in the NHS in East of England (Please discuss and agree this with your manager as part of your personal development plan, prior to seeking a mentor)

Mentoring really is something that can benefit everyone. As well as helping the mentee to develop and advance through their career, the mentor can gain extra skills and understanding from the partnership.
Can assist you in setting goals to achieve professional and personal success.
Helps prompt thought about career development and develop solutions to career issues.
Can provide guidance on areas you are unfamiliar with.
Helps increase motivation and confidence.
Can provide a welcome point of stability during a time of change.

Mentors: All mentors using the hub are required to: (It is the responsibility of the mentor to ensure that they continue to meet these requirements)

* Provide mentoring on a voluntary pro-bono basis ensuring explicit organisational support is sought if undertaken within work hours.

* Have relevant experience and/or training to the required standard, and/or attend Coaching/Mentor Training prior to becoming an active mentor (it is recommended a mentor relationship is started within six months of completing the training)

* Take responsibility for maintaining an up-to-date mentor profile.

* Practice within the ethical principles of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) – Global Code of Ethics (

* Adhere to the principles and aims of the NHS People Plan and NHS people Promise

* Respond to mentee requests within 2 weeks of being received

* Commit to mentoring for a minimum of 12 hours per year

* Inform EoE Talent and Leadership team if unable to continue to mentor

* Demonstrate regular and relevant CPD

* Record any mentoring within 2 weeks of activity

* Facilitate a contracting meeting to set individual and/or organisational objectives prior to the commencement of a mentoring relationship

* Provide mentoring services, access CPD and attend supervision with the explicit consent of their employing organisation

* Provide feedback on experiences at the end of each mentoring relationship

Mentees: All mentees using the hub are required to:

* Take responsibility for maintaining an up-to-date profile within the system

* Be proactive in requesting mentors online (please contact your Regional centre if a response has not been received within 2 weeks of sending a request)

* Work with the mentor to arrange sessions and commit to attending

* Commit to the development process demonstrating proactivity in personal and professional development

* Ensure explicit organisational support is sought if mentoring is undertaken within work hours

* Share mentee information with organisational Mentoring Champions/Lead to support the Mentoring strategy and culture

* Complete a pre-evaluation before a relationship commences

* Complete a post evaluation and a 6 month follow up evaluation on experiences after a relationship comes to an end

* Contact your Regional centre if you would like any advice, training, support or to put forward any suggestions for improvement

In turn, the NHS Leadership Academy will commit to the following to support your mentoring practice:

* Provide access to ongoing, relevant and topical CPD, to enhance knowledge and development of your mentoring skills

Please register for the EoE Coaching and Mentoring Hub here

For queries regarding Coaching and Mentoring in the East of England, please contact [email protected]

If you are registered with the EoE Coaching and Mentoring Hub, and are actively supporting staff working in systems across the region as a coach or mentor, please browse our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) offers: Coaching and Mentoring Offers

Coaching and Mentoring